Cyber Security Essentials

cyber-securitytransparent600#de9221 Cyber Security (Basic)Cyber Security (Advanced) Introduction Cybersecurity refers to the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. Cybersecurity is a collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can...
Secure Coding in Java

secure-coding-in-javatransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Learn how to build secure software in Java with this course. Gain insights into common programming errors in Java and learn how these errors can lead to exploitation. Master security issues that are relevant to the Java programming languages and associated libraries. Furthermore, learn about common programming errors that lead to...
Ethical Hacking Network Intrusion Investigations and Forensic Analysis

ethical-hacking-network-intrusion-investigations-and-forensic-analysistransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction This class will provide the students with a unique perspective on network intrusion investigations and analysis. Students will begin the course by compromising a system (“ethical hacking”) leveraging techniques that have been seen in the wild by attackers. Once in, they will walk through the stages of an intrusion, from compromise...
Developing Defensible Web Applications

developing-defensible-web-applicationstransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction This class first demonstrates to developers how attackers create strategies to compromise applications in order to help students “think like an attacker.” The class then moves into demonstrating how the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides developers with the tools to successfully develop applications that are difficult or near impossible...
Security Awareness

security-awarenesstransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Learn how to identify and apply security techniques in this course. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: describe the importance of securing information. identify the different ways to guard yourself against social engineering exploits. describe the security practices related to computers, mobile devices, networks, and the...
Hacking, Penetration Testing and Defensive Countermeasures

hacking-penetration-testing-and-defensive-countermeasurestransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Hacking, Penetration Testing and Defensive Countermeasures is a hands-on, intensive, workshop immersing students in the methodologies and application of hacking concepts, techniques, and tools. The hacking methodology used in this class includes: footprinting, scanning, enumeration, exploitation, and post-exploitation. Countermeasures to mitigate the various hacking techniques are emphasized. When students complete the...
Networking and Security Administration of Red Hat Linux 5

networking-and-security-administration-of-red-hat-linux-5transparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction You have performed basic system administration and managed system services. But as a network administrator, you will be required to manage security and performance of multiple systems on a network. In the Networking and Security Administration of Red Hat Linux 5 course, you will implement system security and user authentication between...
Mobile Devices Ethical Hacking

mobile-devices-ethical-hackingtransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of the fundamental risks of mobility, as well as those involving Wi-Fi and mobility infrastructure. It presents real world use cases on how devices can be compromised using industry attack tools and engages attendees in solution analysis methodology designed to protect...
Secure Coding with PHP

secure-coding-with-phptransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them Learn to use various security features of PHP Get information about some recent vulnerabilities of the PHP framework Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them...
Virtualization and Private Cloud Security

virtualization-and-private-cloud-securitytransparent600#de9221 IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction We are well aware that virtualization has been widely implemented, however, there are questions regarding adequate considerations for security threats, known or perceived. It appears that many organizations rest on superior security at the physical layer for a secure virtual layer. This is due in part to an organization that is...