Embark on a beginner-friendly course designed to help you learn essential design skills using CorelDRAW software. Develop proficiency in graphic design, drawing, and vector-based tools that are crucial for effective visual communication. Our comprehensive program empowers students to improve their abilities and lays the foundation for applying these valuable skills in future careers. Join us to acquire hands-on experience with design tools, making this course an ideal choice for individuals seeking to boost their graphic design capabilities. Master the art of drawing and vector-based design with CorelDRAW, and unlock a world of creative possibilities.
Course Outline
1. Getting Started
1.1. The CorelDRAW interface
1.2. Working with new documents
1.3. Exploring new document advanced options
2. Working with Pages and Dockers
2.1. Moving and adding pages
2.2. Understanding page setup
2.3. Arranging dockers
3. Importing and Exporting Files
3.1. Importing files
3.2. Using Corel CONNECT
3.3. Exporting files
4. Viewing Options
4.1. Working with zooming
4.2. Understanding page views
5. Working with Objects
5.1. Using the Pick tool
5.2. Selecting objects
5.3. Moving objects
5.4. Sizing objects
5.5. Mirroring objects
5.6. Rotating objects
5.7. Skewing objects
6. Undo, Redo, and Stacking Order
6.1. Working with Undo and Redo
6.2. Understanding the stacking order
7. Using the Drawing Tools in a Project
7.1. Understanding the drawing tools
7.2. Working with the Rectangle tool
7.3. Adding rectangles to a business card
7.4. Working with the Ellipse tool
7.5. Adding ellipses, pies, and arcs
7.6. Working with the Polygon tool
7.7. Adding a multipoint polygon
7.8. Working with the Spiral tool
7.9. Adding a shadowed spiral
7.10. Working with the Graph paper tool
7.11. Adding unique graph shapes
7.12. Working with Perfect Shapes
7.13. Adding a shadowed arrow shape
8. Working with Artistic Text
8.1. Understanding artistic text
8.2. Adding artistic text
9. How to Duplicate and Align Multiple Objects
9.1. Aligning objects
9.2. Understanding duplication
9.3. Working with distribution
9.4. Building an amplifier face
9.5. Aligning text and spacing objects
10. Group and Combine Objects
10.1. Understanding Group and Ungroup
10.2. Working with Combine and Break Apart
11. Working with Color
11.1. Coloring objects and using Uniform fill
11.2. Using the Fountain fill
11.3. Understanding the Color palette and the Document palette
11.4. Working with the Interactive fill tool
11.5. Using the eyedropper tools
12. Working with Outline Types and Color
12.1. Using Convert To Curves and Outline Properties
12.2. Understanding advanced Outline Properties
13. Welding, Trimming, and Intersecting Objects
13.1. Exploring methods of working with Weld, Trim, and Intersect
13.2. Exploring examples using Weld, Trim, and Intersect