Put an end to writing command-line interfaces for your programs. Use Tkinter, the Python package for creating themed interface elements with the Tk GUI toolkit. The trainer will walk through the most popular Tk widgets and shows you how to customize their appearance and behavior to fit your application. You’ll learn how to manage the placement of those widgets on the GUI and make them react to user behavior with event-driven code.
Course Objectives:
- Installing Python 3 and Tcl/Tk for Mac or Windows
- Creating and configuring themed Tk widgets
- Decorating the GUI with text labels and images
- Capturing input from buttons, menus, and entry fields
- Presenting choices with check boxes and radio buttons
- Using geometry managers to lay out the GUI
- Organizing widgets inside of frames and windows
- Handling user actions with event-driven programming
- Creating a simple drawing tool with the Canvas
- Prompting users with pop-up dialog boxes
7 hours, 1 Day Course
Mode of Delivery
Classroom-based, Instructor-led Training
Course Outline
- Get Started
- What is Tkinter
- Installing and Importing Tkinter
- Basic Tkinter Concepts
- First Tkinter Program
- Second Tkinter Program
- Widgets
- Label
- Button
- Check Button
- Radio Button
- Entry
- Text
- Combo Box
- Spin Box
- Progress Bar
- Scale Bar
- Treeview
- Scroll bar
- Message Box
- Widget Styles
- Organizing Widgets
- Frame
- Top Level Window
- Paned Window
- Notebook
- Geometry Managers
- Pack
- Grid
- Place
- Shapes
- Canvas
- Line
- Rect
- Oval
- Arc
- Poly
- Text
- Event Handling
- Event Handling Methods
- Command Callbacks
- Binding to Keyboard Event
- Binding to Mouse Event
- Binding to Virtual Event
- Binding to Multiple Events
- Tkinter GUI Demo
- Best Practices
- Layout of a Survey Form
- Step 1: Feedback Canvas
- Step 2: Create Widgets
- Step 3: Layout Widgets
- Step 4: Binding to Events