Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
This class is for anyone who has never played around with Arduino before and those who have played around a little bit but aren’t entirely sure about how the basics work. It’s easier than you think! We will put together basic single component electrical circuits, learn about analog and digital, input and output, basic programming concepts, practice very basic Serial communication, and briefly cover basic virtual prototyping.
Students will create three simple circuits highlighting analog and digital forms of input and output. Get started with the Arduino programming environment, briefly discuss programming and virtual prototyping.
Duration :
1 day (8 hours)
Course Outline
1. Preparation & Installation
- Arduino Board Overview
- Arduino IDE and Sketch Overview
2. Programming Basics
- Blink an LED
- digitalRead() and Serial Port Communication
- analogRead() and Serial Port Communication
- Reading Analog Pins and Converting the Input to a Voltage
- Fade an LED
3. More Control
- If Statement Conditionals
- For Loop Iteration
- Arrays
- Switch Case Statement
- Switch Case Statements and Keyboard Input
4. Digital Circuit
- Blink an LED Without using the delay() Function
- Using a Button
- State Change Detection and the Modulo Operator
- Debouncing a Button
5. Analog Circuit
- Analog I/O and Serial Communications
- Analog Input
- Calibration
- Smoothing Data
6. Design Project:
- Making a temperature controlled fan