C++ is a popular yet powerful language used for both system and application development. This course introduces you to the basics of the application such as data types, strings, variables as well as functions in C++. Additionally, you will also learn how to control the flow of your code through structures such as loops and if-else statements. Finally, you will learn about how to organize information in arrays, managing memory resources with pointers and managing files in C++.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Introduction to C++
- Installing the C++ IDE
- Hello World in C++
- Comments
- Declarations and Data Types
- Understanding Data Types and Declarations
- Integer and Float Point Data Type
- Understanding Strings
- Bool Data Type
- Struct and Enum Data Type
- Void Data Type
- Typedef Data Type
- Array
- Introduction to Arrays
- Declaring and Initialization of Arrays
- Accessing Individual Array elements
- Two dimensional Arrays
- Operators
- Common Operators
- Compound Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Decisions and Control Structure
- If – else if – else statement
- Understanding Loops
- Break & Continue
- Range Based For Loop
- Functions
- Functional Programming
- Passing variables to functions
- Variable Scope & Static Variables
- Passing Arrays to a functions
- Returning data
- Overloading Functions
- Function prototypes
- Function Recursion
- Classes & Objects
- Class & Objects Overview
- Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance
- Class Access Modifiers
- Interface
- Pointers
- Understanding Pointers
- Declaring and Using Pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic
- New and Delete Operators
- Create & Delete Objects
- The C++ Preprocessor
- Constant Macros
- Include Macros
- Conditional Macros
- Parameterized Macros
- Standard Template Library
- Standard Template Library (STL) Overview
- Vectors Library
- Strings Library
- I/O Streams Library
- Iterators Library
- Lists Library
- Pairs Library
- Sets Library
- Maps Library