The Ultimate MongoDB Essentials Course

NoSQL MongoDB Databases Course


This course dives deep into MongoDB, a powerful NoSQL database built for storing and managing document-oriented data. We'll start at the beginning, exploring MongoDB's core concepts and its evolution as a leading database solution. Then, we'll get hands-on, guiding you through installation, essential CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and crafting effective queries to retrieve your data.

As you progress, we'll tackle database administration, application integration, and advanced topics like performance optimization, data modeling best practices, and robust security measures. Troubleshooting techniques and real-world use cases will equip you to confidently leverage MongoDB in your own projects.

By the end, you'll be a MongoDB pro, ready to tackle various data storage and management challenges!

Course Outline:


  • 15 hours
  • 2 Day Course
  • Classroom-based, Instructor-led Training

Assessment Format:

A competency-based assessment will be in the form of written examination, primarily consists of 30 multiple choice questions spanning various aspects as covered in the program. 

Each participant will be assessed individually on the last day of the training for their understanding of the subject matter and ability to evaluate, choose and apply them in specific context and also the ability to identify and manage risks. The assessment focuses on higher levels of learning in Bloom’s taxonomy: Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.

The objective of the certification examination is to evaluate the knowledge + skills acquired by the participants during the course on Big Data. 

Exam Preparation:

The weightage in key topics of the course as follows:

  • Introduction to MongoDB[5]
  • Getting Started With MongoDB [10]
  • Querying with MongoDB [10]
  • Data Administration With MongoDB [10]
  • Advance MongoDB Features [10]
  • Integrating MongoDB with Applications  [10]
  • Performance Tuning and Optimisation [10]
  • Data Modelling and Schema Design [10]
  • Security and Compliance [10]
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance [5]
  • Practical Applications and Use Cases [10]