Digital Electronics



This course provides an introduction to digital systems using microprocessors, sensors and actuators. Within this context it introduces the fundamentals of digital logic, digital arithmetic, programmable logic and computer architecture. Research skills and aspects of professional practice are developed through group-bases assignments.

Course Outline

Foundation of Digital Electronics

  • Scientific and Engineering Notations
  • Electronic Component Identification
  • Basic Soldering and PCB Construction
  • Electron Theory & Circuit Theory Laws
  • Circuit Simulation
  • Breadboard Prototyping
  • Component Datasheets & Troubleshooting

Combinational Logic Analysis and Design

  • Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems
  • Boolean Algebra and DeMorgan’s Theorems
  • AND-OR-INVERT, NAND Only, and NOR Only Logic Design.
  • Binary Adders and Two’s Complement Arithmetic

Combinational Logic Design with Field Programmable Gate Arrays

  • Sequential Logic Analysis and Design Flip-Flops, Latches and Their Applications.
  • Asynchronous Counter Design with Small and Medium Scale Integrated Circuits.
  • Synchronous Counter Design with Small and Medium Scale Integrated Circuits.
  • Sequential Logic Design with Field Programmable Gate Arrays
  • Introduction to State Machines.

Introduction to Microcontrollers

  • Software Development for a Introductory Microcontroller
  • Real-World Interface: Introduction to Hardware Controls
  • Process Control with a Microcontroller