This rigorous Certificate course builds upon the knowledge learnt in Certificate in Embedded System Design Level 1. Advanced topics of embedded real time system design are introduced in this course, such as Advanced Microcontroller Systems, and Embedded System Design based on the ARM9 Processor.
All modules are accompanied by a series of well-designed hands-on projects and all students will be provided with industrial standard development kits during the class.
Diploma in Engineering (electronics, computer engineering, mechanical, mechatronics…)
Language Proficiency:
Pass with Grade 5 and above in English at GCE N(A) Level OR Grade D and above for GCE N(T) level.
Working experience:
1 yr
Minimum age:
- 63 hours
- Part time (3 months)
- Full time (1 month)
Commencing/End date:
Mode of Delivery:
Instructor led, classroom based training
Method of assessment:
Exercise and project
St.Hua Classroom
Average Teacher to Student Ratio:
Industrial Attachment:
Course Outline
- Advanced Microcontroller System;
- Embedded System Design Based on ARM7/9 Processor Level 1;
- Embedded System Design Based on ARM7/9 Processor Level 2;
Module 4. Advanced Microcontroller System Design
Duration: 21 hrs
1. Introduction
2. Interrupt / Timer
3. SPI communication protocol
4. IIC communication protocol
6. AD/DA conversions
7. Read/Write SD card
8. PWM
9. PS2 Port
Module 5. Embedded System Design Based on ARM7/9 Processor Level 1
Duration: 30 hrs
Part 1: ARM system basic
1. ARM development environment;
2. Boot code analysis;
3. Operation of IO ports;
4. Interrupt;
5. Timer;
6. Serial port communication;
7. Watch dog;
8. Operation of Flash & SDRAM;
9. LED & Buzzer;
10. A/D conversation;
Module 6. Embedded System Design Based on ARM7/9 Processor Level 2
Duration: 30 hrs
Part2: ARM system
1. Operating system basic;
2. ucOS-II Kernel structural;
3. Concept of task;
4. ucOS-II task management;
5. ucOS-II time management;
6. ucOS-II synchronization and communication;
7. ucOS-II memory management;
8. ucOS-II application development;
9. ucOS-II GUI display;