InteriCAD T6 is a breakthrough version for InteriCAD with its latest technology – Interior Design System on the Cloud. It has certainly created a great impact to the industry, not only to the software users, but also trade suppliers in the market, with one of its new functions – Cloud Library (below enclosed with more information on the new functions in details)
InteriCAD T6 is specially developed to meet the needs of professional interior design, exterior design, render, animation, working drawing and furniture design; it offers an all-in-one solution to today’s design projects, large and small, residential and commercial. The combination of a purpose-built modeling module, an easy –to-use 2D design module, together with a state-of-the-art rendering engine makes every designer’s dreams come true.
PC literature, Basic design knowledge, Basic English
21 hours / Part time
Course Outline
- System Introduction
- 2D Design
- Ceramic Module
- Basic Structures
- 3D Modeling
- Dimension
- Virtual Reality Commands in Modeling
- Window, Edit Attribute and Other Functions
- Virtual Reality
- Imodel Service