Data & Text Mining with Orange

Orange software


Learn how to collect, search and filter raw data systematically to obtain clean data. Also, process large amounts of data to gather trends and essential information among the noise that comes from large data sets.

Orange is a new, popular and open source machine learning and data visualization framework, targeted for both beginners and experts. The intuitive and interactive data analysis interface that makes data and text mining fun yet simple and easy to use.

Course Content

  1. Prerequisite of Data and Text Mining
  • Introduction to Data and Text Mining
  • Introduction to Orange
  • Installing Orange
  1. Data Manipulation
  • Importing and Exporting Data
  • Select Data
  • Missing Data
  • Joining Data
  • Data Reduction
  • Visualizing Data
  1. Clustering
  • Introduction to Clustering
  • Clustering Algorithms
  • Clustering with Orange
  1. Classification
  • Introduction to Classification
  • Classification Algorithms
  • Classification with Orange
  • Image Classification
  1. Anomaly Detection
  • Introduction to Anomaly Detection
  • Anomaly Detection Methodology
  • Anomaly Detection with Orange
  • Time Series Anomaly
  1. Association Analysis
  • Introduction to Association Analysis
  • Association Analysis Methodology
  • Association Analysis with Orange
  1. Regression Analysis
  • Introduction to Regression
  • Regression Algorithm
  • Regression with Orange
  1. Sequential Pattern Analysis
  • Introduction to Sequential Pattern Analysis
  • Sequential Pattern Analysis with Orange
  • Time Series Analysis
  1. Text Mining
  • Introduction to Text Mining
  • Text Mining Algorithms
  • Text Mining with Orange