Machine Learning

Machine Learning for Network Security

machine-learning-for-network-security-2transparent600#de9221 ‌IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Uncover the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and elevate your expertise by enrolling in our cutting-edge course. Designed to help you learn, upskill, and acquire knowledge that is very relevant and useful in addressing real-world problems, this course focuses on the pivotal role of AI in revolutionizing cybersecurity. In an era...

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Deep Learning & Machine Learning with TensorFlow

Deep Learning & Machine Learning with TensorFlow
deep-learning-machine-learning-with-tensorflowtransparent600#de9221 ‌IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Deep learning (deep structured learning, hierarchical learning or deep machine learning) is a branch of machine learning based on a set of algorithms that attempt to model high level abstractions in data. TensorFlow is a popular, new and comprehensive library for deep learning. Students will learn to build deep learning applications using Tensorflow...

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Deep Learning with Keras

Deep Learning with Keras
deep-learning-with-kerastransparent600#de9221 ‌IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Keras is a deep learning library that simplifies the process of building deep learning applications. Keras provides a simple interface wrapper over Tensorflow, which results in increased efficiency and performance. Learn how to use Keras for deep learning and machine learning, CNN, RNN, as well as many powerful pre-trained deep learning...

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Deep Learning with PyTorch

Deep Learning with PyTorch
deep-learning-with-pytorchtransparent600#de9221 ‌IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction In today’s highly digitized age, data and deep learning engineers are in demand. PyTorch is an open source machine learning library for Python (based upon Torch, another machine learning library). PyTorch can be used for applications such as natural language processing and deep learning. Students will learn how the basics of deep...

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Python Machine Learning with SciKit-Learn

Python Machine Learning with SciKit-Learn
python-machine-learning-with-scikit-learntransparent600#de9221 ‌IntroductionCourse Outline Introduction Learn simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis, using Python’s Machine Learning framework Scikit-learn. Master concepts such as regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, preprocessing, decision trees and neural networks and more. Course Outline Course Outline Getting Started on Scikit-Learn What is Machine Learning Machine Learning Steps What is Scikit-Learn Installing Scikit-Learn Datasets...

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