R Statistics Essentials

r statistics


R is a statistical programming language that is used to describe and test relationships between large amounts of data. In this course, use R to model statistical relationships using graphs, calculations, tests, and so on. Furthermore, learn how to create charts, scatter plots, and histograms, examine outliers, calculate correlations, compute regressions and more.

Course Outline

  1. Getting Started
    • What is R
    • Install R and RStudio
    • Explore RStudio Interface
    • Variables
  2. Data Types
    • Numbers
    • Text
    • Vector
    • Matrix
    • Array
    • Data Frame
    • Factor
    • List
  3. Packages & Data Sets
    • Packages
    • Data Sets
  4. File Input/Output
    • Read data from file
    • Read data from web
    • Write data to file
  5. Charts
    • Scatter Plot
    • Boxplot
    • Bar chart
    • Pie chart
    • Histogram
  6. Control Structures
    • Conditional Statements
    • Loops
    • Break & Next
    • Operators
  7. Function
    • Function Syntax
    • Function Example
    • Function With Default Arguments
  8. Statistical Application of R
    • Basic Statistics
    • Correlation
    • Linear Regression
    • Multiple Regression
    • 2 Sample T-Test
    • 1 Sample T-Test
    • ANOVA
    • Clustering