Biopython is a Python Package freely available for computational molecular biology. Biopython can parse Blast results (standalone and web); run biology related programs (blastall, clustalw, EMBOSS); deal with FASTA formatted files; parse GenBank files; parse PubMed, Medline and work with on-line resource; parse Expasy, SCOP, Rebase, UniGene, SwissProt; deal with Sequences; data classification (k Nearest Neighbors, Bayes, SVMs); Aligning sequences; CORBA interaction with Bioperl and BioJava; SQL database storage through BioSQL; Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithms; Hidden Markov Models; creating pretty PDF files for posters; format flat files with random access to entries; structural biology PDB, FSSP.
Course Objectives:
- Sequence manipulation using Biopython
- Annotating sequences
- Sequence alignments
- Accessing NCBI databases
7 hours, 1 Day Course
Mode of Delivery
Classroom-based, Instructor-led Training
Course Outline
- Introduction to Biopython
- What is Biopython?
- Biopython packages
- Installing Biopython
- Biopython website & resources
- Working with Sequences
- Parsing
- Slicing
- Adding
- Concatenating
- Reverse complementing
- Annotating Sequences
- FASTA record
- GenBank record
- Chromosomal Location
- Sequence type
- Working with Sequence files
- Parsing a file
- Reading from a file
- Writing to file
- Converting file formats
- Sequence Alignment
- Parsing an alignment file
- Reading an alignment file
- Writing alignments to file
- Converting file formats
- Manipulating alignments
- What is BLAST?
- Running BLAST
- Parsing BLAST output
- Searching within BLAST output
- Accessing Entrez Databases at NCBI
- Connect to Entrez
- List accessible Entrez Databases
- Search Entrez Databases
- Upload identifiers for searching
- Return search results
- Parsing results
- Simple Plotting
- Plot %GC
- Plot sequence similarity (nucleotide dot plot)
- Plot quality scores of sequencing reads